Hourly Rates
For hourly services such as weddings, bachelor/bachelorette parties, birthdays, and more, Affordable Limousine offers competitive pricing based on the day, time, vehicle size and type, pick up/drop off location, and number of hours required. The time frame in highest demand is Saturday afternoon when most weddings are taking place. Friday and Saturday nights are also popular. Our lowest cost time frames are Sunday through Thursday and Friday before 6 P.M. Some days/dates and time frames have hourly minimums. For accurate quotes, we recommend calling our office at 616-299-1812 or using our online quote request form.
Group Packages
For some types of events, we offer group rates on a per-person basis. For example, Detroit Sporting Events transportation and brewery and winery tours. For many of these events we can also get discounted group ticket pricing, if available. We also offer trips to amusement parks with group packages and discounts. For accurate quotes, we recommend calling our office at 616-299-1812 or using our online quote request form.

Motorcoach Pricing
With the recent addition of 56 passenger motorcoach buses, we have added yet another pricing structure. Motorcoach trips may fall into the above group packages options, amusement park packages, or a multi-day, out-of-state formula. This formula is a combination of mileage driven, local use at your destination, driver room and board, tolls, etc. Due to the extenuating, detailed nature of these trips, we recommend that you call our office for all multi-day trips at 616-299-1812. For single day events, use our online quote request form.